lunes, 23 de marzo de 2015


Consist of 95% water

Incredibly, the body of a jellyfish is 95% water. Their bodies are soft and have a bone structure or external shell protection. They are delicate and can be damaged easily. Still require more water to move your body and if they are removed from their aquatic habitat, collapse and die.

Are radially symmetrical

These beings are symmetrical by a central axis that goes through the length of its body. Have an upper and a lower, but do not have right or left sides, and as a result many are different from other animals (such as mammals, reptiles, fish, birds and arthropods) which exhibit bilateral symmetry.

They have a simple digestive system

Jellyfish have a very rustic digestive system, with one simple opening. These animals eat their food through your mouth, which is located at the bottom of the bell, the food is digested in a structure resembling a sack (called coelenteron or gastrovascular cavity) and the waste material is expelled through mouth. This cavity then works both ways: as stomach and intestine as.


They move like jets

A common analogy used to describe how delicate jellyfish swimming in the water, is mentioned your movements as "a simple jet propulsion".

To move forward, jellyfish take water into your muscle bell then throws jets, creating a jet of water that propels the jellyfish forward. Apart from this way of movement, jellyfish also walk on water currents to move.


They have no brain, blood or nervous system

Senses are primitive and consist of a very simple neural network, the eyes that can differentiate light and darkness and a sensory cavities that allow them to identify potential prey. Ie no nor brain heart.


Their bodies consist of three layers

The strangest body of all jellyfish has only 3 layers. The outer layer is called the epidermis, and the inner layer gastrodermis the medium consists of a thick substance called mesoglea.


Its tentacles are amazing

There are thousands of nematocysts in their tentacles, arms and mouth. The nematocysts consist of a capsule containing something like a kind of vacuum barbed wire, a bag of poison and a chemosensory hairs that detect when they touch something that can be food. When a potential prey touches these hairs, the nematocysts eject and inject venom into the victim. The venom immobilizes the prey and the jellyfish uses its arms to move the prey into his mouth.


Jellyfish belong to the phylum Cnidaria

This group of animals, all symmetrically radial include corals, anemones, hydras and jellyfish. They all inhabit the oceans, obviously, which explains all its peculiar characteristics.


There are about 2000 species of jellyfish

There are about 2000 species of jellyfish. Ie saltwater jellyfish, which usually inhabit warm regions, decorating the waters with strange colors and shapes.


¿Freshwater Medusa?

The species Craspedacusta sowerbii is sometimes named as the only species of freshwater jellyfish. However, it is actually not a true jellyfish.


Amazing jellyfish in the aquarium of Veracruz

Jellyfish, lifecycle. Mediterranean Sea.

Lethal beauty